
Monday, 24 November 2008

Make Money From Affiliate Sales

One of my better affiliate earners - Make some extra $$$

The Affiliates Program is a great way to make money with your website. All you have to do is place referral links on your site to When your site visitors click on your links and make purchases at the poster store, you earn 25%-30% of the sale.

This is one of my rising earners as I am currently testing the nature of image search through the search engines and it is shaping up quite nicely as my click through rate is increasing, now what I am concentrating more on now is converting them click throughs into sales, this is done with a handful of articles, numerous ads on free classifieds, targeted blog posts and a bit of clever social networking, yes it takes a lot of effort but at the end of it all, there are lessons to be learned.

I am measuring the stats of my many squidoo lenses, hub pages and blogs, although Allposters affiliate links are only a small percentage of my image affiliate promotions they are getting quite a bit more traffic than others, I suppose the second best image affiliate is Shareapic as this is also driving targeted traffic to my blogs and specialized web pages.

Sign up to the affiliate program today!
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online