
Thursday, 6 November 2008

Building Up An Affiliate Profile Page On Amazon

Amazon has a top promotional method and way of letting people know about you in some subtle little ways, again this is dependent on what you know and what you can demonstrate to use to your advantage with the Amazon associate program combined with these great methods.

Building wish lists can benefit your credibility

But by combining relevant wish lists with relevant reviews you are setting yourself up for some genuine and powerful recommendations yourself, just take a look at some of the most popular products sold on Amazon, typically they have far more reviews than normal product items and reviews often get read because people want to know what other buyers of the product thought of it and quite often more information is spilled about the product in the review process.

I took the chance of creating a quick wish list here of affiliate related books that I just might purchase soon for Christmas or even before - Affiliate Book Amazon Wish List Then when I eventually do buy the books I write very detailed reviews at the available space at the end of product description and the top tip here is to add a little bit more information here than you would normally, this creates a solid recommendation and builds your credibility up and did I mention you should create your Amazon profile and direct it to your main area of expertise - which is your website or blog!

The amount of views and traffic that comes from your profile and reviews if you link your amazon promotions up right through your associate built up links equals affiliate income.

Though this method again does require a concerted effort and a good knowledge and interest for the subject matter at hand.

See an example of my Amazon profile here

Are Amazon affiliate marketing books really any good?
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online