
Monday, 24 November 2008

An Affiliate Book Review: Make A Fortune Promoting Other Peoples Stuff Online By Rosalind Gardner

Affiliate Promotions Book

One of the latest books for affiliate marketing I bought recently was "Make A Fortune Promoting Other Peoples Stuff Online By Rosalind Gardner" it gives some very practical tips on how to maximize your affiliate promotions in the best way possible, this book gives detailed hands on experience from yet another affiliate marketer who obviously knows her stuff, but what is particularly neat about her book is that she goes through a few things that more than likely just get ignored like the preparation of all of your affiliate promotions, all the details and the use of spreadsheets to hold all of that important data.

Another thing I liked about the book it gave some meaning to affiliate terms that also get left out alot from other affiliate marketers, like product data feeds which was nice for potential super affiliates to read about and to know what they are and how they could be used as an affiliate.

While the book could not cover everything completely in detail, the book left an impression upon me with it's information that I mainly knew, but I like to read other affiliates way of working and see what works for others so it might work for me type too, through this book I learned a few things that I've either avoided or just was plain ignorant to and that is keeping your self organized as an affiliate promoter, because there are separate volumes of data to be analyzed and measured, such as keyword analytics,traffic stats,supply and demand and any other factors that go towards a successful referral business.

Although perhaps this book though may be a lead in to Rosalind's other Book, "The Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online"
, because I felt that it held back on some aspects of affiliate marketing to be collected in the handbook, all in all though it was a good read though and it inspired me further to stick with it and learn more from affiliates like Rosalind Gardner.

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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online