
Monday, 24 November 2008

Affiliate Programs: Quality Over Quantity

At first when I started to write this post, I came to the conclusion that quality over quantity is far better to have happen to your affiliate business, but then I started to think about the growth potential of an affiliate business and now I am quite decided that this is the case to build a solid foundation early on, then as time goes on a mixture of quality and quantity must be applied in equal measures.

You see, once you have one affiliate blog or website set up, then the quantity aspect should kick in in your affiliate plan with more tangible income streams, no matter how large or small, they all add up, quality informational content and varying quantities of it make a good start for an affiliate empire.

The rates of commissions you get paid should not all be high either
, a mix of high and low paying commission rates work well as does the fact of negotiating a higher rate if you can prove you can drive more traffic to the affiliated businesses website.

By looking out for increased affiliate rates by how much you refer, you are able to leverage your own ability to generate affiliate sales. Amazons affiliate rate is 4% and if you sell more than 6 items within one calendar month, your referral rate increases to 6%, this is especially good on content rich and traffic heavy sites. A good example would be the Problogger blog, Darren Rowse who runs it, makes his 6% referral rate every month due to his huge volumes of traffic.
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online