
Thursday, 16 October 2008

Revenue Sharing Sites And What To Use For Your Affiliate Campaigns

Revenue sharing sites are nothing new for anyone wanting to earn online, freelancing becomes the top priority for these revenue sharing sites, but how do you start to earn online from them?

Share Your Photos, Video And Blog Content and earn from doing so, I'm sure you've heard this before online, this is the evolution of the internet, almost everyone wants to earn online from doing what they do anyway, by chatting and uploading photos and all that social networking stuff.

Writing what you know and what you can easily share online with others is one of the main appeals of writing to earn, although revenue sharing means you are sharing revenue with the site owners of that particular website, but the more you write and establish your niche corner or voice the better your online earnings in a sense.

Revenue sharing sites could be used with your affiliate marketing campaigns too to monetize your revenue share income that you recieve from your writing.

Other revenue sites may not allow additional affiliate links as this may be part of their own policies or specific terms of service on the matter, but it is worth trying to see if adding relevant affiliate links within your content could be an effective monetization method for your additional affiliate promotions.

I am currenty experimenting with a few revenue sharing sites here and there so I could give you an idea of what to use for yourself, some are good, some are just not that good, but if you are writing content and are good at it in some way, why not give it a go.

Here are the revenue sites I currently write for, so if you can find one or tw and go with them you have a good idea of what you are getting yourself into, also if you feel like it is too much writing to do on a regular basis, then you can do several articles that are solid top articles and have them link back to your site.




Out of the ones above I frequently link some of my articles together if they are relevant so that they build a sort of network of relevant and further content, Hubpages is great for this, plus as Hubpages and Squidoo are authority sites then these seem to get more traffic for me.

Revenue sharing sites should be used as part of your affiliate marketing strategy in some way that best fits your own schedule.
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online