When you become an ebay affiliate you have to take into consideration of the facts of affiliate marketing, the techniques involved in your affiliate earning, here I will go into some of the more important tips to do with your ebay affiliate promotions.
Using the rss feeds, these are the quick feeds that web savvy people use to subscribe to a particular content feed such as a blog or quality website, but in turn you can use an ebay product search feed to add to many public feed readers and other functions online to create rss ads on web pages, so this creates an updating feed of current auctions on your website. Rss feeds you will be seeing lots more of these with affiliate vendors in the future.
The simple affiliate stats dashboard analysis is easy to use to determine what clicks originated on what pages of your sites and the sales that you make, it gives you the options of tracking down by use of simple date based formats to find the information that you need.
Although most affiliate programs do provide affiliate stats as part of their affiliate tools, but this is far simplified affiliate stats than the ones previously at commission junction were the previous ebay affiliate program resided.
One of the best things I like about the ebay affiliate program, just like the Amazon program for affiliate earning is the simplicity of the promotions, you just seem to plug them in with relevant content on your site and the features of some of the tools just work.
The links generator is one of the simplest tools to create trackable links to any landing page on the ebay affiliate network site, so for example you could target a specific link to a relevant category on a page that has auction items that are niche specific. so to show you I have created an example here affiliate marketing with the keyword text link.
Also when you join the Ebay affiliate program you can target other geo targeted countries that run the ebay affiliate program, this could provide more earning opportunities for your affiliate promotions
The editor kit is perhaps the best out of the lot, as you can create a banner type list of currently running ebay auctions base on the keywords that are relevant to your content or website/blog, so you could write an informative post and include a relevant editor kit listing at the en of the post, or if you want to be using ebay as one of your primary promotional affiliate programs, you could add it in between blog posts, with an ebay listing blog post.
The quick banners are a soon to be released feature that will show live flash based listing customized to your keyword specifics and other optional preferences, all in all the ebay affiliate program is up there in my affiliate top ten of earners and managing your affiliates has never been easier.
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