
Saturday, 25 October 2008

PepperJam Network Launches Storebuilder!

Finally Pepperjam have released the store builder portion of their affiliate network for affiliate publishers to create and customize a small store front from selected merchant product feeds within your account.

I have tried this out and the store builder is easy to use and you create a quick store with many pages, they may need to in a future release though add some kind of extra customization features such as size formats and things like that, but I am really happy about the storebuilder for now until it goes through the usual process of Beta for all the Pepperjam affiliates.

Plus if you aren't really that technical working with the raw data feeds that most affiliate networks and merchants provide, then this tool is for you most certainly!!

If you've never heard of the Pepperjam network you can sign up here! Pepperjam Affiliate Network
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online