
Thursday, 26 November 2009

One Page Articles: Make Money Writing Reviews

Write reviews to make money online, you can choose what you review, but often it has to be something that you have used or have a personal recommendation for.

Books or other products and services could be so close to your affiliate niche that you can easily write a handful of reviews a week, even if you don't own the product, you could do some intensive research into the product or service and be on your merry way.

One Page Articles: Make Money Writing Reviews

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Backlinking With Linkbees Link Service Earns You Money Too

I've recently been testing out Linkbee for backlinking and tracking my links to earn and the results look pretty promising traffic wise, earnings need a bit of work, but the more links you post on your sites and other relevant sites the better your earnings will be, the earning you can create for yourself is from google adsense ads and you submit your google id into your account and then you can earn from any google ads that appear next to your links, also you can upload photos you own too to earn revenue from.

I am hopeful of the results of this link site, you can also integrate your links and links to your photos on twitter and your links get shortened with a possible extension that you can track.

I'll keep you updated on the future results of this site.

(Disclosure!) And yes that is a referral link above!

Friday, 9 October 2009

Youtube One Billion Video Views Per Day

Today I was looking on Youtube and I saw a link on the Youtube homepage that says
1 billion views per day
 And I think that is awesome, especially if you want to do video marketing, because all you have to do is keep up on keyword trends and your niche that you want to provide video content for and create targeted videos for your target market and promote them anywhere you can for some decent traffic.

Just think if you had a share of that traffic pie, if you took time out and created a video campaign for your main affiliate programs, what you could achieve if you only try.

I always look at the top videos in my niches, so I can see how they list their videos, with keywords,titles and descriptions and even what they link to and how they present themselves in their video, do they appear enthusiastic? Do they know what they are talking about? Do they appear professional?

Getting traffic from Youtube is about many factors you can do yourself or have someone else do the work for you, so don't think about it, just do it and get your videos out there, because there's a share of 1 billion video views to be had!!

Monday, 21 September 2009

Affiliate Marketing: Increase Your Affiliate Commissions With 7 Top Tips

I just wrote an article on Hubpages (one great site to write and recieve generous traffic as it is a high ranking and well respected content website) about increasing your affiliate income and commissions by following 7 affiliate tips, of course I've written more of these tips in the past and there are more methods you can use, these 7 ways provide you with a great starting point to consider increasing your commission rates and earning percentages.

7 Ways To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions

Go and read it and tell me what you think, either in the comments here or over there, maybe add your suggestions as to what other affiliate tips you might want me to write about. Because I would like to hear what you have to say about affiliate marketing in general and what may have worked for you too.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Video Marketing With Youtube And Other Video Sharing Sites

Video marketing is one of them marketing methods that has become something of a phenomenon and you can easily start this promotion method with videos related to your affiliate niche, all you need is a flip camera or something that takes clear video footage, but also you could invest in some screen capture software like Camtasia(free to use for 30 days on a trial basis!) and do related video tutorials on the websites you actually view on screen and you will also need a good headset with a microphone to add narration to your useful videos.

I recently started some video marketing with two Youtube accounts

One for - Affiliate Marketing

And one for my - Fantasy Art Drawing

There are some ways of promoting videos that seem to work well, now my affiliate marketing youtube channel needs a good focused effort because everyone and their grandmother is doing or attempting affiliate marketing through Yotube so there is a case of people getting fed up with it, but if you try and come across genuine, then that's all you can hope for, so that's why the view counts are quite low, but with a little promotion here and there I'm sure I can boost up the views on these videos when I also create some more to add to this account!

The titles of your youtube videos, seems to make all the difference as to get the views, because I've tested this with my fantasy art drawing account with similar types of videos, but with different titles and the more specific but shorter titles seem to get the most views and of course the ones that are being searched for too.

The marketing aspect comes into it when you place a relevant website url right at the beginning of your video description and it would be a good idea to direct people who may watch the video to click on that url particularly if they found the video interesting, you can easily do this with Camtasia or even Windows Movie Maker software if you have it, by adding titles and credits to the start and end of your videos, but also on Youtube with video annotations too.

Also when you are talking in the video you can say to click the link too, then you cover all of your marketing objectives with one or even a set of related videos.

Of course Youtube is the biggest and most popular video uploading site on the planet, but there are others who come within the top ten video sharing sites:





Blip TV

There are some others too, just do a search for them, or join Tubemogul and submit your videos to around 15 to 20 video sharing sites at once(bare in mind that a few won't be relevant video sites to upload to, but the thoughts there at least!)

When I am video marketing, I tend to do short 3 minute videos if possible, because the attention span of people watching videos is like non existent as they want to either be entertained or learn something new in a few minutes of their time and if you do this consistently then they will subscribe and be a repeat visitor of your video channels for a long time and even spread the word to their friends too.(Word of mouth is viral marketing!)

Also it is a great idea to keep an eye on the top video channels in your niche, because you can get ideas for how they get lots of views to their videos and apply them to your own way of video marketing, this could be to do with video tags or the titles they write, but also they may have a large network elsewhere with which to share their niche videos, so wherever possible try and spread out your videos by embedding them in relevant places across the net and start building your own networks in your affiliate niche.

Video marketing is a great method to use in your marketing campaigns and should be a top performer for years to come as the internet advances even more with media sharing and everything starts to become inter connecting and all interest search based like it is now!

Further Reading:


Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Hubpages Has Many Traffic Benefits And Advantages For Your Website Or Blog

Over on hubpages I have previously done a member hubpage experiment called the Hubchallenge and in this challenge you in effect challenge yourself to write 30 hubpages in 30 days, the first challenge was an awesome experience in which someone had the crazy idea of doing 100 hubpages in 30 days, now I only managed 42 at the time, but this was enough to triple my traffic and gave me a good reason to continue writing very regularly in the things that interest me alot.

Now the following are two traffic stats graphs, the first one is a before the 2nd hubchallenge but about a month after the first challenge.

First Traffic Stats

Now here is the second traffic stat image.

As you can see in the first traffic stats, the views to my hubpage articles were just over 800 a day, which was impressive after my first attempt at writing almost every day for a month.

But the second one has seen my traffic rise up over 1250 views a day, which is more an incentive to carry on with this wonderful hubpages challenge.

For those who do not have an account on Hubpages - Go and get one now!

Update - here is another traffic stats graph at date 20th November 2009 and it shows the traffic grew to 2000 views before dropping to 1600 ish views, so it's growing the traffic these Hubchallenges!!


Secret Affiliate Weapon 2 Members Area Review

Here is a short video I created, showing you the Secret Affiliate Weapon 2 members area and in this video I quickly go through what you get when you purchase the $27 product, as a member myself of the original Secret Affiliate Weapon 1 that came out back in 2004 I thought it would be a good idea to purchase and review this updated affiliate blueprint.

It has slightly different information, but essentially it has some common themes to the last affiliate system, you have the video tutorials that explain the ways to promote, just like any other affiliate system and the basics of what affiliate marketing is for the new marketers, I liked the videos as they was presented in a clear and direct way by a marketer who sounded like Michael Chaney(probably was!)

Aswell as the videos you have 4 modules that go through such basics as choosing your business niche, building traffic and other promotional methods, so really the modules are meant to be read first and the videos along the way when the ebook modules link to specific videos within the text.

You get 2 free bonuses with this product too, you get the original Secret Affiliate Weapon 1 and you get a teleclass audio on passive income secrets, although it's a large file to save to your computer, but it's worth it, I took notes whilst listening to it and then placed it on a separate flash drive off my computer.

Of course this isn't for advanced affiliate marketers, it is really aimed at new affiliate marketers, to show them the basics of what is possible with affiliate marketing and the potential of earnings that you can create with promoting other peoples products.

Here is the video, And I may do a couple more videos with a little bit more detail on the free bonuses, until then heres the video:-

If you want to read some more information about the secret affiliate weapon then visit Secret Affiliate Weapon Today!

It's a simplistic affiliate blue print that anyone can follow and plus you can earn from it too in 3 ways which I go through in the video above.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

How To Earn From Affiliate Marketing

That is a brilliant question to think about and one that requires a certain amount of thought as to your direction and focus of how to achieve, but once you figure things out for yourself and find an equal ground to your own ideas, you can pretty much earn from affiliate marketing if you do all of the things that I list below:

Finding an area that you know alot about

This can be slightly difficult for some and they only seem to go for what others are promoting and from the same types of angles which is all wrong, you need to look at old news as new news and write things your own way and your own opinions and viewpoints count more than trying to write or promote like someone else does.

So you take what you know and make it your own, by going one step further than your competitors and really providing good quality information and content that isn't just one type, but many other types of media that all impact people the same way, you can really build a good income from the basic forms of content, such as blog posts, articles,ebook reports,ezine articles and other methods.

Research is a highly important thing for any online business or affiliate marketer for that matter, you need to be providing accurate information and delivering it to people just like you, wh know a bit about your chosen niche.

You need to know the ways to promote

There are many different ways to promote, but it is about not doing everything that you possibly can at first, it is about finding a handful of marketing method and seeing which ones work the best, only then will you know which methods to concentrate on.

The best considered forms of online marketing are the ones listed below:

Article marketing - A great one that really is effective if you write and plan to write regularly to build up a long term content marketing strategy.

Video Marketing - Another top marketing strategy that is very effective in drawing in traffic, altough you have to create the videos that will be of most use to whoever is your target market.

Email Marketing - Combine this with video marketing and article marketing and you have a good three strong top marketing methods and email marketing is a bit more personal for people to deliver good quality promotions and additional email content.

Other online marketing methods - A good strategy to have is a good solid link building strategy that encompasses all of the above and more with creating your own reports or products and other websites that relay those affiliate links that you want to promote, the key is to over deliver unique and useful content in as many formats as possible and monetize them with highly relevant and targeted affiliate promotions.

So earning from affiliate marketing is easy in thinking about it, but it takes a more long term approach to recieve an income from, so try and utilize any marketing method you can along the way and document every one you use, so as to weed out the less effective marketing metods, because it is about never ever stopping with affiliate marketing promotions, you do understand, don't you?

Using paid advertising like paid per click or PPC as it's more commonly called, you can drive traffic alot quicker to your affiliate campaigns and promotions, but you do need to research and understand all about pay per click advertising and getting the right keywords for your ads and also have a basic understanding of how to use this form of advertising without you wasting your advertsing budget and not converting visitors into buyers.

A good way of doing things is to do all you can for free, such as article and video marketing, social networking and whatever else and once you have exhausted your campaigns with the free stuff, consider tagging a paid campaign on the back of all that you have worked on before and this will be your top playing card for instant traffic that you can assess and test and track until you have the right conversions coming in.

Of course there are other marketing methods within the main methods, so just experiment and be creative with it.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Building Yourself A Better Blog In 31 Days?

Build A Better Blog In Thirty One Days

When I first read that Darren Rowse was going to do another 31 days to build a better bog on his blog I thought oh goody, more in depth information to go through and this time he has my full attention, or so I thought, I know I found it hard to stick to the one task each day even though other people said on his comments on his blog that it wasn't really necessary to follow in order of the tasks that was presented, but I felt like such a let down that I just fell behind and didn't do hardly any of the tasks.

But then when I heard he had a downloadable ebook to buy and it was very inexpensive I thought right this is my chance to get it right this time around and since doing that I have got around to planning a lot of tasks that I can do starting with a couple each day.

This is highly important, whatever affiliate business you have that you promote through your blogs, every action has a reaction and focusing on doing specific tasks each day just gets you that little bit futher to your goals.

Find out more on my hubpage about this cheap but excellent blogging resource and don't forget to buy the ebook!!.
31 days to build yourself a better blog

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Watch The Site Build It Overview Video

If you are starting an affiliate business in any niche then I highly recommend you get all the help and support in doing so online and Sitebuild it could be that option, it automates lots of processes that would take you time to do on your own if you had to research everything yourself.

The principals that site build it uphold are quality and they rely on 4 key aspects of building a profitable site ready for business.

Content, Traffic, Presell and Monetize are the 4 main key points in this business model that can cut the time it takes to set up an internet business by half, as this program simplifies the process and takes a lot of the guess work out of website creation and online business building.

And so for your affiliate promotions this is a good thing, a valuable tool that has been recognized by countless others to build profitable businesses all over the world.

This simple video below is a very powerful introduction into the world of building sites for profitable ecommerce solutions and profitability.

And you don't have to pay an annoying monthly fee like most other business creation programs.

And the support you get with this business tool is quality, with a very helpful community in the Site Build It Forums.

So watch the video and make up your mind.


Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Make Your Affiliate Plan

Over on HubPages I recently wrote an article which details the steps you need to take when planning your first affiliate marketing web business and this is extremely important to replicate one set of steps and use them over and over again when you set up multiple affiliate businesses.

Check it out! - A Basic Affiliate Marketing Plan To Earn More

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Writing Effective Affiliate Product Reviews

When it comes to writing effective affiliate product reviews there are a few things you have to remember when beginning the writing process, firstly:

Do your research

Researching a topic, or a product or service will make it appear like you are knowledgable about it, so in the case of a service or product it might be something you personally endorse or have purchased, so you could offer some valuable user experience information in the form of a review very easily.

If you know a subject very well you may think there is no need to do any research but I have since found out you can find lots more unique angles of information if you research thoroughly and most certainly there are things that you may have missed out on, so it is definitely worth taking time out to research topics.

Search through Google or specific sites like and Wordpress for some articles relating to your niche. The Google Toolbar comes in quite handy for doing focused research, with the toolbar you can search news sites, blogger blogs and scholar content search.

Targeting Problem Solutions

As mentioned in a recent post, nailing down specific questions and problems in your niche is the key to writing helpful affiliate product related articles and possibly writing some solutions for free to them problems helps others out.

In the case of affiliate product reviews though, people want to know further information to a service or product that they cannot find elsewhere to make a buying decision, they want to know specifics such as:

- What can this product do for me?
- What are the benefits?
- Will this solve the problems I have been facing?
- Is this worth my time and money?

By focusing on what the customer wants and needs you can position your affiliate product reviews as very useful articles indeed, becasue if you aswer most of the questions that relate to that prouct them they have satisfied their decision to buy or not and so ultimately it is out of your hands at that stage, but a good product review usually if written right will generally work out quite positive in your affiliate campaigns.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Creating Affiliate Niche Articles

Something that I am a huge fan of is creating affiliate niche articles and these are exactly what they are described as, it s basically a set or collection of niche focused articles that relate to one type of product or service, and they include valuable review information, problem solving content, conversational but accurate information and all manner of specific information that people might need to know about a product or service.

Why collect these articles together?

Well, if you have a huge volume of information about a specific affiliate product or service it makes sense to break up the different problem statements in separate articles and interlink these to create a valuable mini infrastructure of great content that people could read for free(free works best!) in the form of a report if you wish, but since we are on about articles, it is best to consider a few content publishing sites for your unique information.

Squidoo and Hubpages work well for this type of niche article promotion, but there are others if you can find them like Launchtags or even Blogger or Wordpress, anywhere where it doesn't restrict you from adding affiliate links and jolly good article content.

Information that works well is when you start off with one article, then you create another article that is related to the subject of the first article, and you add the link at the bottom for further reading and then you repeat this with another 10, 20, 30 or however, many articles you need to explain important information. Articles that are linked to one after the other creates direction for your readers all you have to do is let your readers find the part at the end where it says something like read on for further valuable content.

Identfiying problems that people have in the niche you write about is the key to writing effective affiliate niche articles, so for example if your affiliate niche was online business start ups, then you need to find out what are the biggest problems to setting up a business online that people are facing, you do this in forums or through your email list if you have one, also it could be worth doing a quick search on Google for problems because quite often you might find specific forum posts that have been indexed with people asking about a problem.

Only then when you have a good list of questions and problems you start to craft your articles together with a sprinkling of a few targeted affiliate products, but I recommend choosing one to really focus on something, because you don't want to offer multiple options unless the content demands it, so for another example in the online business start ups you could either choose to link to a specific affiliate that helps you start up an online business, or just each of the individual steps like web host affiliates, domain name affiliates, auto responder affiliate etc. If you do the latter suggestion it is worth limiting each affiliate link promotion to one article so you can focus on that one alone.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Spotting Best Selling Trends In Affiliate Marketing

Over the 5 years I've been doing this affiliate marketing thing, I have come across lots of best sellers lists that I find interesting and essential to the earning potential you could achieve and it is these lists of trends and best sellers that you can focus on to bring you some more affiliate earnings, but rather than producing simple promotions, you need to go all out on these things and filter through lots of related categories instead of just one.

So for example if you was promoting cell phones you would naturally promote cell phone cases and the other accessories that go with it and this will be your affiliate funnel of products that you will promote on your blog and email series but in a staggered approach and by doing it this way you will be in a position to keep a head of the new releases within your niche.

Spotting trends and best sellers should come a close first and one that could compliment your main promotions, you'll find these best sellers lists all over the internet and in supermarkets and brick and mortar stores as you will see products on offer that just seem to sell out quite quick, it's best to take note of these and see whether these purchases are seasonal and just really fads that disappear.

Bestsellers are the products to watch out for and can add considerably to your affiliate earnings if you plan ahead for the fact of current bestselling trends.

Identifying hot trends is easy with the right online tools and in some respects the right offline mindset to spot them.

Keyword trends could be something positive to look into for good searchable and profitable keywords that help to build your business online with affiliate promotion.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

The Holiday Seasons For Affiliate Commissions

The holiday seasons are that time of year to build up a great deal of buzz and excitement around certain products and gift ideas and so in the holiday season including Christmas we can take advantage of the best selling products that appear on sites like Amazon and Ebay, these websites provide accurate insights into the spending habits of online bidders and shoppers.

And these online giants do not lie, not when it comes to making more and more sales from affiliates and the advertising it pays out on a regular schedule.

Affiliate commissions
rise when these online shopping companies divulge their best seller lists and top ten most popular items sold in a given period. Sales increases occur always in all the major holiday seasons, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween and Easter. But seasonal fluctuations could be more prevailent on specific dates such as birthdays that share the same day for whatever reason or a date in the year that coincides with a yearly event.

Think about what is relevant for your site in terms of quality and and most popular based on bestselling lists and whatever means at your disposable, take a look at the Amazon bestselling list for a good example.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

If You Have A Blog For Affiliate Marketing!

Something really important I want to touch upon here and it is if you have a blog that you have been posting to for awhile and you have over a hundred blog posts at least or more then I have just found out something rather good in terms of updating and refreshing your blog that does help with getting more traffic.

As I have stated before I am a fan of the Problogger blog which helps others to improve their blogging in many ways and over there I was just browsing the archives of Darrens Problogger site and found a post on updating your blog post titles that really stood out in my mind.

Even more so now that I have slowly begun to go through my own blog archive on this very blog and update titles and check for spelling and other grammar errors aswell as just to generally update blog posts as they become out of date and not really relevant anymore.

Struggling To Focus This Year On Affiliate Promotions?

If you are struggling on your affiliate promotions this year then I think it is time you took a grip of yourself and only promote what you can.

Take a good long look at what you and your site are about and just focus on quality products for that, there is no need to focus on things that almost everyone else is doing too, just try and narrow down your affiliate promotions so that you can build on top of one thing rather than half a dozen, trust me, I know!

When I started, I had the best intentions of promoting what the top affiliate marketers were promoting, but then I soon realized that too compete with these top marketers you had to have some money behind you for advertising through ppc and other paid advertising and this was something I did not have when starting out.

The best way I can describe this to you is to think of the broadest and the most popular term for example if I search through the Google results by typing in a phrase like business it returns at present 2,420,000,000 results and that isa lot of pages, websites and blogs.

Now if I add words to the word business such as "Online Business" the search results go down to around 484,000,000 and this is still a lot of competition to compete with, so we need to really find a narrow niche by adding descriptive long tail type search words to see what results could be easy to get on the first page with a little work.

Try adding and changing keyword variations, like "scrap book online business" which at present returns 2,030,000 results, this is a workable number to see the first 2 pages and to check how your competition rank with their keywords, if you spot that the websites are weakly optimised it should take a couple of weeks to a month of writing content to get on the first page and out rank the rest of the others, even if they are ranking with solid optimised pages you can still get to the top of the results for that chosen keyword phrase it just takes a little bit more effort and persistence.

Struggling to focus on affiliate promotions is one of the top reasons why people simply give it up, they might start off with one or two affiliate programs, and then they have by the end of the month lots of affiliate promotions all getting tangled up against each other and this gets messy, especially if you don't see any earnings from the first few you signed up gets frustrating.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Setting Up Automated Residual Income Earning Affiliate Programs

Recurring income is the best when you set this up deliberately as an affiliate campaign, it can become automated over time and then requires a little effort to maintain.

Recurring income affiliate commissions is a required part of any affiliate marketers strategies. You have the long and short running campaigns that pay you one time, and then you add the residual affiliate programs on top and it's these affiliate programs that you need to help you in tough times.

The very fact that a is automated it becomes a low maintenance income stream that can be archived and just checked on now and again leaving you time to create more recurring income strands that grow over time. You see some of the top affiliate marketers do this with such an expertise that they seem to do it with little effort.

Setting one of these up is an easy to do thing, but first you have to find a good one that you know you can dominate or at least hold your own and earn yourself a piece of the residual income pie, examples of recurring income could be membership sites where the customers have to pay a fee each month or even year, they gladly pay for the information and resources that the membership provides, and if you've referred them, then you earn the set rate of that members fee.

Other Recurring affiliate programs are services that provide a need to the individual, such as web hosting, specific software and online newsletters with monthly product updates, it's just a case of getting the right sorts of people to the right promotions at the right time and frame of mind, that is marketing!

I always like joining an affiliate program and then they take the time out to describe the affiliate earning mathematic numbers, epecially in a recurring income scenario, you see that one member could earn you $10 each month and then they say the magic words "What if" you referred 100 people through your affiliate link and they bought the service, that's $1000 for a month. Then they go on and on doubling and tripling the numbers, but the $1000 has already sold me and I've signed up anyway!

Try if you can to look for high commission rates and also keep an eye on the fact that if you are a good affiliate and you bring in more sales and even traffic for the service then why not be cheeky and ask for a commission rate increase( I learned about this in Rosalind Gardners - Make a Fortune Promoting Other People's Stuff Online: How Affiliate Marketing Can Make You Rich

Friday, 30 January 2009

Why Do Affiliates Sign Up Then Do Not Promote?

I saw this post in the affiliates4u forum and just couldn't resist a blog post about this very question.

First of all I am guilty of this myself, but not from the reasons of lazyness, If I like an affiliate program, I usually sign up for it and then keep it in an archived affiliate file, so I can fit this promotion later on in a campaign.

I guess alot of people do not start for many reasons,but perhaps the main reasons are outlined below:

1. Not enough time in the day, we all get our time management a little unplanned here and there.
2. Too daunting, the prospect of starting an affiliate campaign that others may do better than you.
3. People sign up for it, drawn in by the earning aspect and then realise they don't know how to market and just give up.
4. They just realise affiliate marketing isn't for them.
5. They just forget they signed up!!!

There could be many other reasons, such as technical know how and just the confidence with online internet business that many people may feel they need to grasp before they take it seriously.

The process of affiliate marketing is and should be a progressive one that is your own business and a business that should be treated as such, a lot of planning should take place for each new affiliate program you sign up for, because each affiliate program demands specific promotional strategies.

So next time you sign up for an affiliate program, make sure yu take the time to plan the marketing of it and set it up, so that it runs on autopilot if possible.

This is what other affiliate marketers do and they move onto the next program, to build their income up through varying residual income affiliate programs as an ever growing business in multiple niches.