
Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Relevant linking Each Day Or As Much As You Can

When you have or are involved in a specific area of interest, you begin to find other sites that are on the same wave length and mission, often they go off on a tangent,but essentially they are your allies, by adding relevant links to your website or blog, you are strengthening your position in the search engines eyes.

And when I say search engines I don't just mean Google, of course taking into account Yahoo and Msn as the main ones, but just think of all the other search engines that could be linking to your sites, these all play a part in your link strategy

I would do this often and as much as you can, I look for the top position sites to add to my websites linking structure, and ones that have the same or similar keywords to my sites.
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online