
Saturday, 24 May 2008

Marketing Your Website Using Dynamic Video Presentations

In today's high-tech world there are more options than ever when it comes to marketing your website. Two of the most powerful innovations used for smart site marketing these days are video and blogging. It's easy to see why, as sites like YouTube and Blogger are some of the most popular on the Web today.

Let's first explore how you can use video to promote your site.

YouTube is a site where anyone and everyone can be a star. Millions of people log on to YouTube to watch videos submitted by other users. You can create and submit your very own promotional video to this site which can offer a great deal of exposure depending on how popular the video is. Not only do people watch videos on YouTube, but YouTube videos are frequently circulated around the Internet via email and featured on other sites and blogs.

The thing with blogs, these are another great way to promote your site. Some of the most popular blogs out there have millions of visitors daily. At sites like Blogger, it is fast and free to create your very own blog complete with RSS feed. An RSS feed is a method of syndicating your content so that other sites can feature it and readers can subscribe to it. When you update your content, it automatically updates for subscribers thanks to the RSS technology. Many people call RSS "Really Simple Syndication," and that's exactly what it is!

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