There are places online that could help you in your promotions, communities are the common social media to build on small successes you may have, subject areas for any groups, you can build a group on any topic.
Whatever you have signed up for like Myspace, Yuwie, Squidoo there are numerous places to build your own groups on any topic and these groups are to gather together some unique individuals to communicate your ideas and concepts for your niche.
Squidoo has a good quality groups tool, where you can add some great modules to your group.
Affiliate Niche Market - Is my group about affiliate marketing, were other lensmasters can add their lenses to and participate within the group, add discussions and be part of a resource building process.
Of course it's up to you what group from any website will benefit you more, Yahoo has a good group and Google groups too, just see what works best!!
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Earning Profits Online