When you are on your own in a room with just you and the computer, there are certain aspects of working for yourself that have to be dealt with, first there is that notion of finding the time to write your blog posts, getting the discipline to do so on a regular basis, this can be especially difficult if you work at home and are bringing up kids or care for someone, these are the top distractions, but the most important things in your life have to come first right?
Yes that is true, but just think of all of the time you may waste in your daily routine, try to think of and analyze what parts of the day you could use for your blog post planning, I'm talking about the spare times of the day that anyone has, no matter how busy they think they are, For example I thought I'd have no time fitting in certain planning aspects to my business, but I took time out to study what parts of my daily routine that were not productive and I used them to write notes and think about what needs to be done.
A few examples of this are,
sitting on the toilet
Always have a notepad near the pan, as ideas and blog titles always hit me on the bog, strange as it may seem, this is one of them times of the day that anyone has and it can be used as a quick note building session.
If you have a regular job and you commute to work on a bus or train or even if you walk to work (keeping fit eh?) this is all time wasted if you don't use it to think and plan
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Earning Profits Online