
Tuesday, 25 March 2008

More About Me: Wayne Tully The blogger You Are Reading.

I have been dabbling in the area of affiliate marketing for quite some time now, at the start there was little success or any income made, but now I have stopped and really researched through reading many ebooks and free reports, I have found out how to do affiliate marketing as a real business online.

That is the reason for this blog and the other one at Earning Profits Online

While I am primarily an artist and writer of horror stories and imagined world of comic book fantasy, I currently do less of this at the present moment to write for this blog here, but I hope to do something with my existing blog Wayne Tully Fantasy Art someday to showcase some of my copyrighted artwork.

I currently live in the UK with my wife and two children, although taking into account the potential online business growth of blogs and websites, moving abroad seems like the ideal option in time.

I like to write and blog and interact with other bloggers and how to use google reader for your blogs is pretty good too.
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2 comments: on "More About Me: Wayne Tully The blogger You Are Reading."

Jacob James said...

Wow amazing blog u got here. I really have got a great no of ideas for my own blog from here.

Wayne Tully said...

Well they say that content is half the battle. so looking forward to your blog Jacob!!

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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online