
Friday, 25 April 2008

Take A Simple Marketing Campaign And Run With It!

Marketing online presents many new challenges for the untested to try out, they must find the right balance between promotion and business building.

Alot of todays future online entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly frustrated with what's on offer in terms of earning profit online and it's those exceptional few who go off in their own direction that seem to do well online.

Simple affiliate marketing is best when you know what you want to promote and just run with it, take an example of a promotion for amazon dvds,you'd want to target specific dvd's or just the specific niche market of dvds, so you'd set up all you could for that focused area of promotions, a web page leading into the dvd section or the unbox which deals with downloadable dvds, you'd probably want to capture subscribers so you can describe the benefits of ordering through amazon (which is usually discount prices!) or subscribing to a download service. the choice is yours!

Once you have that affiliate strand or campaign on the go, you need to track your results and I do this with the old fashioned notepad detailing every place that has the backlnks to the offers and the urls of key identifiers and tracker tokens, again google analytics is useful for knowing what traffic came from which location or keyword type.

Running with an affiliate campaign can be quite time consuming, but remember the more effort you put in the better earning opportunities you present to yourself.

And of course later on down the road you'll gain enough experience to have at least
four to five campaigns on the go all at once, all with their own income streams in different areas of niche markets
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online