
Friday, 4 April 2008

Online Marketing Essentials

Everytime I get asked either by email or directly, what do you need to market online?
I often say a collection of a few bits and pieces, tools to do the job of marketing could just be down to a plan of what to do, such as advertising and where you can advertise, specific tools though are a website, although it doesn't matter about the cost, a domain name and an autoresponder, although you can survive marketing online without these, it's best if you have them in time if not straight away.

Now of course there are other things that you will need along the way, but to start out with this will do fine.

Later on down the road you can consider free video marketing at YouTube or Google video to name a few, Video Affiliate Marketing is best when it's free, as you can create one in under an hour, if you prepare yourself with enough script material and organize what to say, you will breeze through this simple traffic building method.
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online