
Wednesday, 1 August 2007

The Basics of Traffic Generation

If you are like the millions of website owners internet-wide, you have the goal of gaining a massive amount of traffic. By doing what it takes to generate traffic, you will be able to sit back and enjoy the benefits. Some benefits of increased traffic include more sales and more members, which essentially equals more revenue for your business. Of course, we all want to experience more visitors to our site and more revenue, but to do this you must know the essentials of traffic generation.

There are a wide variety of actions you can implement to increase the traffic to your website. Some of these include, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), advertisement, creating links, writing articles, blogs, and making use of forums. Any of these techniques along with a wide variety of others can help you generate traffic to your website. Since we are talking about the basics within the article, we are going to stick with the two easiest forms of traffic generation: links and articles.
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Both of these forms of traffic generation are extremely popular, go together, and work well if done correctly.

Link Building

This is one of the most important aspects of traffic generation. Additionally, this is widely used within SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Search engines look at the number of links to and from a website in order to determine its page rank. Link exchange began long ago as a way to point to sites that you favored or that of friends. Today link exchange works in a lot more ways and generates FREE traffic directly to your website.

There are many ways you can go about building links to your website. One popular way is to take advantage of the many link exchanges available throughout the internet. This is the practice of placing your website link on the website of another and then placing their link on your website. This is also known as reciprocal links. If you think about it, it is free advertisement for your site. Because there are so many websites that participate in link exchanges, you would probably want to take advantage of an automated software to help you with this. The software would find the link exchanges for you and even fill in parts of the different fields for you.

Another way to take advantage of using links is to add your website link into the signature of every forum or blog post, and email you write. More people look at this information than you think and could be an excellent form of advertisement.

Using Articles to Boost Your Traffic

Yes, articles, just like the one you are reading, can be used to generate a massive amount of traffic for your website. If you are a great writer, the process is easy. First, you choose a topic of internet for your readers. This topic should have something to do with your website such as the services you offer, the products you sell, or your website in general. You can place a direct link to your website several times within the article. One thing you definitely want to include in all of your articles is a “Resource Box”. This resource box allows you to tell a little bit about yourself, your company, and provide a link to your website.

Even if you are not a writer, there are many freelance writers all over the web that will be happy to help you. After the article is written, you would submit to the many article directories and watch your traffic grow enormously.

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Wayne Tully
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online