
Friday, 9 November 2007

Landing Pages, Opt In Pages, Squeeze Pages

Whatever you call them, they all do the same job of capturing your subscribers email address, so that you can follow up with them in a more personal and professional way....

All you need is an autoresponder to add to your squeeze pages so that people can sign up to the plug in digital product offers, and it is very simple to create a squeeze page, the site walks you through the process in 8 steps, you can see a hub page all about it here.

For affiliate marketing, all you need is a series of emails related to a targeted affiliate progam that you want to explain in detail about, so that people can join, become your referral and either earn you commissions on a tiered commission level basis or they buy a one time or monthly fee upgrade which pays you in affiliate commissions preferrably on a residual commission rate.

Squeeze pages are usually short and to the point affairs that just serve as the hook to gather subscribers, but not in an underhanded way. Something relevant, and one that could potentially be something that they want, maybe a free report on the cross stitch patterns of uncle Fred, whatever make sure you offer your subscribers something free to get them to subscribe to your information series.

And make sure the free report is a quality report that is valuable to the reader who downloads it after subscribing.
Instant Squeeze Pages
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online