
Monday, 12 February 2007

Paid to click and other programs

On the internet there are numerous programs that you can join were you get paid to click on banner advertisements for cash, some of them are good (like Adsense!), others are not or they may be scams.
I have been interested in trying to make money online for ages, and going the right way about it is essential, so could some of these sites be used in the area of affiliate marketing or are they just garbage sites.

I myself lost interest and really don't find any use with ptc sites at all, the only money earning thing can see is if you owned one of these sites yourself and that to me is selling yourself out for some quick cash, rather than recommending useful information or good relevant products.

Report your findings here by commenting!

I would be interested in any feedback on these types of sites and whether they actually achieve income for you!
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Wayne Tully

Earning Profits Online